FEMA Readiness, Prevention and Planning Division

FEMA Readiness, Prevention and Planning Division :

"within the FEMA National Preparedness Directorate, the Readiness, Prevention and Planning division will be the central division within FEMA responsible for preparedness policy and planning functions. This expanded division will likely include FEMA's catastrophic planning activities and the following offices: (1) Exercise & Evaluation; (2) Contingency Preparedness; (3) Preparedness Doctrine & Policy; (4) Citizen Corps; and (5) the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program and the Radiological Emergency Preparedness program. The Readiness, Prevention and Planning division will be responsible, among other functions, for coordinating HSPD-8 (National Preparedness) implementation, the National Assessment and Reporting System, Nationwide Plan Review, the Federal Preparedness Coordinator program, and coordinating with the approximately 2,100 Citizen Corps Councils in all of the States and territories and the numerous governmental and non-governmental Citizen Corps partners". (FEMA, Statement for the Record R. David Paulison, February 28, 2007, p. 4)

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