Functional Exercise (FE) Characteristics

Functional Exercise (FE) Characteristics : This is an interactive exercise-similar to a fullscale exercise without the equipment. It simulates an incident in the most realistic manner possible short of moving resources to an actual site. A functional exercise is: (1) Geared for policy, coordination, and operations personnel?the "players" in the exercise-who practice responding in a realistic way to carefully planned and sequenced messages given to them by "simulators". The messages reflect ongoing events and problems that might actually occur in a real emergency. (2) A stressful exercise because players respond in real time, with on-the-spot decisions and actions. All of the participants' decisions and actions generate real responses and consequences from other players. (3) Complex-Messages must be carefully scripted to cause participants to make decisions and act on them. This complexity makes the functional exercise difficult to design". (FEMA, Exercise Design (IS 139), March 2003, p. 2-13)
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