Heat Acclimatization and Safety Priorities

Heat Acclimatization and Safety Priorities : (1) Recognize that EHS is the leading preventable cause of death among high school athletes. (2) Know the importance of a formal pre-season heat acclimatization plan. (3) Know the importance of having and implementing a specific hydration plan, keeping your athletes well-hydrated, and encouraging and providing ample opportunity for regular fluid replacement. (4) Know the importance of appropriately modifying activities in relation to the environmental heat and stress and contributing individual risk factors (e.g., illness, obesity) to keep your athletes safe and performing well. (5) Know the importance for all members of the coaching staff to closely monitor all athletes during practice and training in the heat, and recognize the signs and symptoms of developing heat illnesses. (6) Know the importance of, and resources for, establishing an emergency action plan and promptly implementing it in case of suspected EHS or other medical emergency.
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