Hertz 20

Hertz 20 :

(ICT) Usually abbreviated to Hz. A unit of measurement relating to the number of times something is repeated per second. In computer jargon this normally refers to the Clock Speed of a computer, i.e. in simple terms how fast the computer runs. One Hertz is one cycle per second. Computer clock speeds are normally expressed in MegaHertz (MHz) or GigaHertz (GHz). Named after the physicist and mathematician Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894), the discoverer of radio waves. The frequency of radio waves is also expressed in Hertz. You will also find the term Hertz used in connection with programs for producing digital audio recordings, where Hertz refers to the Sampling Frequency (also called sampling rate) at which the recording is made or stored. See Section, Module 2.2, headed Sound recording and editing software 

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