Hexadecimal 3

Hexadecimal 3 : In mathematics, hexadecimal means to describe a number in 'base 16'. Our normal numbers are 'decimal' which means 'base 10' i.e. all numbers are made up of digits 0 to 9. In base 16 hexadecimal, all number, are made up 16 digits ranging from 0 to 9 and A,B,C,D,E,F. This is the complete list: Decimal: 0, Hexadecimal: 0; Decimal: 1, Hexadecimal: 1; Decimal: 2, Hexadecimal: 2; Decimal: 3, Hexadecimal: 3; Decimal: 4, Hexadecimal: 4; Decimal: 5, Hexadecimal: 5; Decimal: 6, Hexadecimal: 6; Decimal: 7, Hexadecimal: 7; Decimal: 8, Hexadecimal: 8; Decimal: 9, Hexadecimal: 9; Decimal: 10, Hexadecimal: A; Decimal: 11, Hexadecimal: B; Decimal: 12, Hexadecimal: C; Decimal: 13, Hexadecimal: D; Decimal: 14, Hexadecimal: E; Decimal: 15, Hexadecimal: F. Just like the decimal system, larger numbers in hexadecimal are made up by combining digits. For example 254 decimal is FE hexadecimal. Tip: In Windows, Go to Accessories->Calculator and choose 'View' -> Scientific. You can type in a decimal numbers and select the Hex button to see the same number in hexadecimal
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