Joint Field Office Sections

Joint Field Office Sections :

"JFO sections are established, as necessary, to meet the essential management functions of operations, planning, logistics and finance/administration. (1) The operations section coordinates operational support to on-scene incident management efforts. Branches may be added or deleted as required, depending on the nature of the incident. The operations section also is responsible for coordination with other Federal command posts that may be established to support incident management activities. The 15 ESFs provide staff and resources to the sections of the JFO, principally the operations section, consistent with the purpose and scope defined in the NRP annexes. A joint force conducting CBRNE CM should be aware of their activities through the DCO. The joint force conducting CBRNE CM will not typically be involved with law enforcement activities" (2) The planning section collects, evaluates, disseminates, and uses information regarding the threat or incident and the status of Federal resources. It is also responsible for preparing and documenting Federal support actions, and developing strategic, contingency, long-term, and other plans related to the threat or incident, as needed. The planning section provides current information to the JFO coordination group to ensure situational awareness, determine cascading effects, identify national implications, and determine specific areas of interest requiring long term attention. The planning section also provides technical and scientific expertise. (3) The logistics section coordinates the logistic response of the Federal Government to the entire disaster area and coordinates closely with the state and local officials for Federal supplies and equipment; resource ordering; delivery of equipment, supplies, and services to the JFO and other field locations; and transportation coordination and fleet management services. (4) The finance/administration section is responsible for the financial management, monitoring, and tracking of all Federal costs relating to the incident and the functioning of the JFO while adhering to all Federal laws, acts, and regulations". (JCS/DOD, CBRNE CM, 2006, II-19-21)

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