Local Knowledge

Local Knowledge : Local knowledge is the knowledge that people in a given community have developed over time, and continue to develop. It is: (1) Based on experience; (2) Often tested over centuries of use; (3) Adapted to the local culture and environment; (4) Embedded in community practices, institutions, relationships and rituals; (5) Held by individuals or communities; (6) Dynamic and changing. Local knowledge is not confined to tribal groups or to the original inhabitants of an area. It is not even confined to rural people. Rather, all communities possess local knowledge - rural and urban, settled and nomadic, original inhabitants and migrants. There are other terms, such as traditional knowledge or indigenous knowledge, which are closely related, partly overlapping, or even synonymous with local knowledge. The term local knowledge seems least biased in terms of its contents or origin. As it embraces a larger body of knowledge systems, it includes those classified as traditional and indigenous. [FAO Definition]
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