Acceleration 10

Acceleration 10 : Natural Disaster. When an object, e.g., a car, changes its speed from one speed to another, it is accelerating (moving faster) or decelerating (moving slower). This change in velocity is called acceleration. When the ground is shaking during an earthquake or another kind of seismic source process, it also experiences acceleration. The peak acceleration is the largest acceleration recorded by a particular station during an earthquake. In strong-motion seismology the ground acceleration is commonly expressed as a fraction or percentage of the acceleration due to gravity (g) where g = 981 cm/s?. For the strongest earthquakes ground accelerations of more than 1.5 g have been recorded. Since the weight of an object, e.g., of a building, is equal to its mass multiplied by the gravity g the additional acceleration due to ground shaking causes an extra load. This extra load may exceed the strength of the building and may cause damage or even a collapse
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