Mechanically Refrigerated Wagon

Mechanically Refrigerated Wagon : Railway Transport - Transport Equipment (Vehicle). Insulated wagon either fitted with its own refrigerating appliance, or served jointly with other units of transport equipment by such an appliance (mechanical compressor, "absorption" unit, etc Such a wagon shall be capable, with a mean outside temperature of + 30OC, of lowering the temperature inside the empty body to, and thereafter maintaining it continuously in the following manner at any desired practically constant value t1 in conformity with the standards defined below for the three classes: Class A. Mechanically refrigerated wagon fitted with a refrigerating appliance such that t1 may be chosen between +12OC and 0OC inclusive. Class B. Mechanically refrigerated wagon fitted with a refrigerating appliance such that t1 may be chosen between +12OC and -10OC inclusive. Class C. Mechanically refrigerated wagon fitted with a refrigerating appliance such that t1 may be chosen between +12OC and -20OC inclusive
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