Nuclear Winter

Nuclear Winter : Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Disasters. A phrase used to refer mainly to the sharp and widespread cooling and near-darkness that could result from the emission of massive amounts of smoke and other materials as a result of widespread fires induced by extensive nuclear attacks on urban areas, oil and gas storage facilities, and other developed and wildland areas. The extent of the cooling and associated reduction in precipitation would vary strongly with latitude, season, and proximity to coastlines. A wide range of perturbations is possible because of necessary assumptions and remaining uncertainties. In its broadest usage, the term "nuclear winter" is sometimes considered to include the entire set of adverse environmental consequences following a nuclear war, including the additional effects of lofted dust (which could prolong or augment the cooling) and of radioactive faLLout. By extension, the term is sometimes used to refer to the consequent effects on ecosystems, agriculture, and human health and welfare
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