Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), HHS

Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), HHS : "ASPR is headed by the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response who reports directly to the Secretary and whose office includes the following components: Immediate Office (IO); Biomedical Advanced Research & Development Authority (BARDA); Office of Medicine, Science and Public Health (OMSPH); Office of Preparedness and Emergency Operations (OPEO); and the Office of Policy and Strategic Planning (OPSP). ASPR is a component of the Public Health Service (PHS) and is responsible for ensuring a One-Department approach to developing public health and medical preparedness and response capabilities and leading and coordinating the relevant activities of the HHS Operating Divisions (OPDIVs). The principal areas of program emphasis are (1) enhancement of State and local public health and medical preparedness - primarily health departments and hospitals; (2) development and use of National and Departmental policies and plans relating to the preparedness for and response to public health and medical threats and emergencies (e.g. Emergency Support Function (ESF) 8 of the National Response Plan (NRP), Homeland Security Presidential Directives (HSPD) 5 and 10, HHS' Concept of Operations Plans (CONOPS) for Public Health and Medical Emergencies and for the Incident Response Coordination Team (IRCT); (3) coordination with relevant entities inside and outside HHS such as State, local and Tribal public health and medical officials, the private sector, the Departments of Homeland Security (DHS), Defense (DOD), Veterans Affairs (VA), Justice (DOJ), the Homeland Security Council (HSC), and the National Security Council, (NSC), other ESF 8 partner organizations and others within the National security community; (4) rapid public health and medical support to Federal, State, local and Tribal governments who may be responding to incidents of national significance or public health and medical emergencies; (5) coordination, support of, and participation in research, development and procurement activities related to public health emergency medical countermeasures destined for the Strategic National Stockpile, including under Project BioShield; (6) leadership in international programs, initiatives, and policies that deal with public health and medical emergency preparedness and response related to naturally occurring treats such as infectious diseases and deliberate threats for biologic, chemical, nuclear and radiation sources and (7) leadership and oversight on medical, science, and public health policies, issues, and programs". (HHS, Job Announcement HHS-OS-2008-0169, Program Specialist (Watch Officer), Dec 2007
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